3D & Graphics

Rob Green - Wallsend, Tyne & Wear

Phone 0191-287-4576

Advice on:- Graphics, RayTracing

Martyn Sherwood - Rugby, Warwickshire

Phone 01788-817-473

Advice on:- Art Packages

Kathy Danby - Glossop, Derbyshire

Phone 01457-862-189

Advice on:- Graphics

Ian Fyvie - Cumbernauld, Scotland

Phone 01236-610-340

Advice on:- PPaint, ImageFX

Chris Adams - Glossop, Manchester

Phone 07932- 060-661

Advice on:- 2D & 3D Graphics, DPaint, PPaint, Cinema4D

Stuart Jolliffe - Belfast

Phone 01232-365-523

Advice on:- 3D graphic, Photogenics

Margaret Cox - Manchester

Phone 01663-764-0877

Advice on:- Graphics, DPaint, Photogenics

Tony May - Watford, Herfordshire

Phone 01923-460-375

Advice on:- Graphics

Costa Kyprianou - North London

Phone 0956-358-949 (Voice mail.)

Advice on:- SG24 Screen grabber

Geordie Mason - Bournmemouth

Phone 01202-875-859
Mobile 0802-815-172 (9.00am to 5.00pm only)

Advice on:- PPaint

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